Saturday, July 02, 2005


For the first time today, I truly saw how upset Lesley is from losing her sister. Lesley is only 3 1/2, so it's difficult to tell how much she knows, how she feels, or just exactly what is going on inside her. Frequently Lesley will say "Cassie" but we're not sure what she means. Daria carries many pictures of Cassie and the rest of the family in her purse, so usually Lesley just wants a picture. We try to talk to Lesley about Cassandra, but she doesn't really want to talk. Maybe she juts doesn't know what to say. Today in the car Lesley was again asking for "Cassie". Daria took out the pictures and gave them to Lesley one at a time, but Lesley kept getting frstrated. "Cassie! Cassie!" she yelled. We had given Lesley all of the pictures we had, but she was getting more and more upset. I realized then that Lesley wasn't satisified with just a picture - she wanted her sister back. Lesley got very very upset and began to cry. So did we.


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekened had been really hard for everyone. It's like with each day it sinks in a little more that Cassie is never coming back.

I can't imagine what this is like for Lesley. She went to school one day and her sister was there and when she came back from daycare Cassie never came back again. What thoughts are going through her head? Does she think we got rid of Cassie because she was bad, that we left her some place, that we are punishing Lesley for not going potty or something. Who knows what is in the mind of a 3 years who lost her sister and her best friend.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our daughter KaeLyn was 3 1/2 when her brother Brendan passed away. She saves food for him, asks when they are going to bring his bed back, & when he is going to come back. Kids this age have a hard time grasping the finality of death.I tell her brother was sick,& his body stopped working on earth...unlike your family though, I do believe in an afterlife & heaven. I do believe Brendan lives on, in our thoughts, hearts and memories. There is not the body to hold now, but I know he lives on.I tell our daughter this as well.I want to let you know, I am not bashing you for not believing how I do, just sharing how we deal with this. She misses her big brother immensely,& we intend to not let her forget about her wonderful big brother, who we all miss so much.


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