Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sorry I Haven't Written

Everything I start to write seems like something I've already said before, but I guess that's better than nothing. Little has changed in this past week and a half. We did get word that the medical reports on Cassandra's surgery and hospitalization have been completed and they pretty much don't tell us anything new, they just raise more questions. We probably won't have a complete picture until the autopsy is complete. Your child's autopsy is a subject that should NEVER have to come up, so it hurts just to type it. In the meantime Daria, Lesley and I have been to the Burke Lake train a few times and we went to a baseball game today - every step of the way thinking how much nicer it would be if Cassie was here to share it with.

Finally, if you're reading my blog and you like it or something I've written touches you, please leave a comment. You can do that by clicking the "# comments" link under each post.


At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart will never stop aching for Cassie nor her family.
With so much love,

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are doing the best that can be expected now. I am not looking forward to the autopsy results. It was suprising to actually hear that the brain injury was labeled as a hypoxic brain injury. I had heard that the CT looked like somone who didn't have oxygen for a long time but the neurologist had sort of dismissed it because nothing in the record said she had a hypoxic event. But Nana (the doctor) told me that both CT reports that she saw clearly labeled it as a hypoxic brain injury. New we just need to find out what the heck happened.
Lesley still asks where Cassie is but when you reply "Lesley tell me where Cassie is...."She very proudly says "Dead". She asks about Grandad, Nana, Nigel and Jaron (we respond Home in Hampton), Susan and Charlie (home in Arizona) and Mere Mere (in her new house in California) a lot too. We are trying to get her to say "Zona" for Susan and Charlie but she usually just giggles.


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