Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Celebration of Sorts

Tomorrow is Cassandra's birthday and we decided to do our best to celebrate Cassandra's memory by doing something she would have loved to do, so we're going to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. Daria, Lesley, Grandad, and I will leave tonight and spend the morning and afternoon at the park playing, riding the rides, having fun, and remembering our beautiful little girl. I think Cassandra would have loved to go to an amusement park, and I'm sure she'd be very happy knowing that we're going to have fun on her birthday. The day won't be without a lot of tears, I'm sure, but we will be having fun together as a family (what's left of it) and celebrating Cassie's life. I think that would have made Cassandra proud.


At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a WONDERFUL time at HersheyPark. We decided that this was something fun for the family and Cassie would have loved going. In fact we think she totally agreed with our decision.
It really weird that someone who doesn't really believe in an afterlife (and totally doesn't believe in heaven) would believe in signs from Cassie but I seem to be getting them. I used to call Cassie Boo Boo Bunny Baby (among many unusual nicknames) and since she has died I have seen more bunnies than in my whole life. Almost every time we ride the train at Burke Lake (which Cassie loved) we have seen a bunny but we only saw them rarely before she passed. ANYWAY.... Todd, Lesley, my Dad and I were riding the miniture train at HersheyPark on Wednesday when Todd screamed "Look, a bunny" And sure as can be sitting on the grass at the side of the ride in this busy busy amusement park was a live bunny. It was like Cassie was there and she was happy that this was how we decided to spend her birthday. Todd and I got teary eyed.


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