Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Love's Labour's Lost

Today would should have been Cassandra Anne Akers' 2nd birthday. I can't even begin to explain how unbearably sad I've been these past 4 months, thinking about how she was taken away from us, missing her so very very much.

Cassie came into this world a little early and very quickly. Daria's labor started early Sunday morning and by the time we got to Lesley's swim class they were in full effect. Good thing Daria sat this class out to videotape it. After class was over we went home and made the necessary phone calls, first to Kathy our Doula and then our parents. Daria's dad was under strict orders to stay close to home as we approached the due date, but he was off camping so we couldn't reach him. My mom was home but in Richmond, so we also called Daria's boss who was kind enough to come over. While we waited for the troops to arrive, Daria's labor slowed way down. Kathy told us that it was a function of Daria keeping an eye on Lesley and being responsible for other things, and that once we left for the hospital her labor would pick up. It did.

We labored in the shower for a while (well, Daria labored and I held) and then moved to towards the bed when transition kicked in. I held onto Daria as she leaned over me holding my shoulders through some contractions and her water broke all over my legs and socks. Daria climed into the bed and before anyone was ready for it, Cassie started to be born. The doctor wasn't paying attention and didn't even have gloves on when Cassie's head started to poke out. Kathy said "I see her head" but the doctor didn't believe her. Kathy told the doctor "I'm catching this baby if you aren't" and the doctor spun around just in time to catch Cassandra in her apron.

Oh my god what a beautiful baby Cassie was. So teeny tiny with the biggest brightest blue eyes. The nurse asked us what her name was and I proudly got to say:

"Cassandra Anne Akers"

I was a father again and couldn't have been happier.


At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot begin to know what this is like for you, Todd. I am so sorry. Being the anniversary of the day she was born ..and these poignent pictures....make it a day that touches me in a way that cannot compare to yours..yet I am sad.

Mary Rose and I held a honoring time for your family this afternoon on the Church grounds....and we left with a lightness and Joy in the memories of Cassie.

Hoping and trusting you had a full day ...holding both "tears and smiles" on this special day.

With warm caring, Kitty


At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE couldn't have been happier. There was a child for each lap... We were a complete family (although the thoughts of yet another creeped in pretty quickly but we agreed to table that until both girls were in Kindergarden).
There is nothing like being a new mom.... And natural birth was wonderful for me. In fact Cassie's birth was so easy I honestly could have mowed the lawn 10 minutes after her birth. My dad brought Lesley to the hospital a few minutes later and I got to introdouce the girls to each other. It was wonderful.

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok that comment was from me.. Momma Daria


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